The Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)
On this page, we provide explanations for various questions, such as the leaching of environmental hormones.
This content applies to all products of Animate: ‘School Ware,’ ‘Hospital Ware,’ and ‘New Integral Ware.
- What are Endocrine Disruptors?
A class of chemicals that affect the endocrine system of organisms.
Within endocrine disruptors, estrogenic substances that affect reproductive functions are often referred to. - What are Estrogen-like Substances?
In the case where a chemical substance mimics the function of this hormone, it is described as having estrogenic properties, as it is one type of female hormone. - How many types of environmental hormones are there?
In a report released by the Environment Agency in May 1998 (referenced), mainly covered the 67 items that were highlighted as chemicals suspected of having endocrine-disrupting effects. - Are all 67 items listed in Table 3 of the Ministry of the Environment announcement environmental hormone substances?
In the report of the “Emergency Nationwide Survey on Environmental Hormones” released by the Ministry of the Environment in 1999, table 3 (referenced) listed 67 types of chemicals suspected of being environmental hormones. However, it stated, “It is not appropriate to uniformly perceive these 67 substances as having endocrine-disrupting effects and being harmful, as subjects of scientific investigation and research.” (Reference: Mainichi Shimbun article dated November 19, 1999, page 17)
Furthermore, the same report indicated an interpretation that can be considered a de facto safety declaration, stating, “Regarding food containers made from materials such as styrene, they are currently considered safe.” - What is the relationship between resin tableware for school meals and environmental hormones?
The issue of Bisphenol A (marked with a ● in item 37 of Table-3 of the Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98) leaching from polycarbonate school meal trays was reported by the media nationwide, becoming a social problem. Additionally, in June of the same year, an inspection targeting tableware used in school meals at elementary schools in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, revealed the presence of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, a type of endocrine-disrupting substance (environmental hormone) known to affect reproductive functions, in polypropylene tableware.
The inspection was commissioned by the city’s board of education to a private inspection agency and was conducted from March to April. Five types of polypropylene tableware used in city elementary schools were examined, and it was reported in newspapers that phthalic acid was detected in a soup bowl and a flat plate currently in use since 1996, with concentrations of 0.8 ppm and 2.7 ppm, respectively. (This chemical is marked with a ● in item 38 of Table-3 of the Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98.)
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Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98 - Does Animato School Ware contain environmental hormone substances?
Results from safety verification tests conducted on August 13, 1998, confirm that Animato School Ware does not contain any environmental hormone substances. - Is the heat-resistant ABS resin used in Animato School Ware the same resin as the expanded polystyrene resin commonly used in the cup noodle industry?
It is a resin where a heat-resistant additive is mixed into acrylonitrile (A), butadiene (B), styrene (S) copolymer resin (ABS) during kneading, and its composition and properties differ from those of ABS resin. - Does Animato School Ware release suspected endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as styrene dimer and styrene trimer?
The styrene dimer (styrene 2-tetramer) and styrene trimer (styrene 3-tetramer), listed as chemicals for which environmental surveys have not been conducted in the unmarked column 66 of Table-3 of the Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98, as well as styrene (styrene monomer) not listed, do not leach from the tableware even after being used 3,800 times with the same specifications and finishes as Animato School Ware, as well as coatings, and finished products assumed to be used for over 10 years in school meals, as part of the “verification of safety after introduction”.
[Note] Styrene dimers and styrene trimers exist in many isomeric forms.
・Styrene (Styrene monomer) ・Styrene dimer: Includes all compounds where two styrene monomers are linked. ・Styrene trimer: Includes all compounds where three styrene monomers are linked.
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Hygienic Safety Page
Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98 - Regarding the test results of A802 balls, it is stated that styrene monomer is less than 0.5μg/1, styrene dimer is less than 0.5μg/1, and styrene trimer is less than 0.5μg/1. What does this mean?
The value of 0.5μg/1 (detection limit 0.5ppb = 0.5μg/1) listed is an excellent test result obtained using the latest analytical techniques of a safety testing research institute highly regarded in our country. Additionally, even under the most severe leaching conditions of 20% ethanol aqueous solution at 60°C for 30 minutes, no leaching was observed (below 1 in 2 billion = undetectable). - Please explain the units of measurement listed.
The values listed are as follows:
0.001mg/1 = 0.001ppm = 1ppb = 1μg/1 (1 in 1 billion)
・1ppm (parts per million) = 1% of 1 millionth
・1ppb (parts per billion) = 1/1000 of 1ppm
・1ppt (parts per trillion) = 1/1000 of 1ppb
(parts per million. parts per billion. parts per trillion) - The chemicals such as styrene were found not to leach out, but what about butadiene and acrylonitrile monomers? Do they not leach out from the tableware?
Regarding butadiene: Since butadiene is a gas at room temperature, it is not present in Animate Schoolware. According to the Japan Chemical Industry Association, it vaporizes and evaporates due to its gaseous nature at room temperature, rendering it unmeasurable.
Regarding acrylonitrile monomer: Acrylonitrile monomer has a boiling point of 78.5°C, so it decomposes and is removed during the manufacturing process, where temperatures exceeding 300°C are applied.
Reference: In a leaching test conducted on June 20, Heisei 13 (2001) by the Japan Chemical Industry Association as part of safety verification, it was demonstrated that acrylonitrile monomer does not leach from the molded products of A802 balls and the finished products of A802-608 balls (off-white coated finish). - What are the health effects on the human body from frequently consuming instant foods in polystyrene resin containers in our daily lives?
In May of Heisei 10 (1998), the “Styrene dimer (styrene 2-tetramer) and styrene trimer (styrene 3-tetramer)” listed as the 66th suspected endocrine-disrupting chemical in Table 3 of the Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98, were found not to be endocrine-disrupting chemicals (estrogenic substances) during the “Endocrine Disruptor Chemicals Study Group” held by the Ministry of the Environment in July of Heisei 12 (2000), chaired by Tsugumi Suzuki, Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo. As a result, they were removed from the list of environmental hormone-related substances.
As a consequence, various ministries such as the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry have essentially declared the safety of styrene resin tableware regarding environmental hormone concerns.
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Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Hormone Strategy Plan SPEED ’98 - The announcement of nonylphenol leaching from resin tableware in tests conducted by associate professors at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology?
Animato School Ware does not contain any nonylphenol, which can affect the body’s endocrine system.
In August of Heisei 10 (1998), safety verification tests for the chemicals in Animato School Ware were conducted in response to requests from school lunch officials. Additionally, tests were conducted to reaffirm the absence of chemicals not used in manufacturing.
The test results are as follows:
(1) Caprolactam [None]
(2) Styrene dimer [66] – Safe substance.
(3) Styrene trimer [66] – Safe substance.
(4) Alkylphenols
Nonylphenol [36] – Problematic substance.
4-Octylphenol [36] – Problematic substance.
(5) Bisphenol A [37] – Problematic substance.
(6) Phthalate compounds
Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate [38] – Problematic substance.
Butyl benzyl phthalate [39] – Problematic substance.
Di-n-butyl phthalate [40] – Problematic substance.
Dicyclohexyl phthalate [41]
Diethyl phthalate [42]
(7) Isocyanates (related to coatings)
2,4-Toluene diamine [None]
2,6-Toluene diamine [None]
Regarding the leaching test results, it has been demonstrated using the latest analytical techniques of institutions designated as inspection agencies by various ministries that all tested chemicals did not leach.
Furthermore, the differences in detection limit values for individual chemical substances in the test results arise from differences in the characteristics of each substance.
※ Unit of measurement: ● 0.001mg/1 = 1ppb = 1μg/1 (parts per billion, indicating one billionth of a substance) - Why did bisphenol A leach from polycarbonate tableware used for 5 years, as announced by the Yokohama City Tableware Investigation Committee? Also, is there safety assurance after the introduction of Animato School Ware?
Regarding the leaching test results showing that bisphenol A leaching is observed after 4 to 5 years of use of polycarbonate tableware, it is speculated that this is due to hydrolysis, a characteristic drawback of the resin. Hydrolysis occurs when the resin deteriorates as a result of repeated disinfection with saturated steam, etc., in dish disinfection and storage machines, leading to the formation of fine cracks that are invisible to the naked eye.
Animato School Ware, on the other hand, is finished with a hard yoghurt glaze coating, which has a proven track record in the medical facility meal service industry. It exhibits excellent resistance to hot water, making it highly resistant to hydrolysis. Therefore, even with increased use, there is no concern about chemical leaching from the tableware, as it can withstand repeated boiling disinfection and the latest washing systems such as automatic washing machines and hot air disinfection storage machines.
As part of the safety verification conducted after the introduction, envisaging use for over 10 years in school lunch services, tableware with the same specifications and finish as Animato School Ware was collected from a three-year lease contract in medical facility meal services (used 3,800 times in hospitals). Through analysis using the latest analytical techniques of institutions designated as inspection agencies by various ministries, it has been demonstrated that “styrene monomer,” “styrene dimer,” and “styrene trimer” were not detected (below 1 in 1 billion).
※ Unit of measurement: ● 0.001mg/1 = 1ppb = 1μg/1 (parts per billion, indicating one billionth of a substance) - What verification has been done regarding the safety of chemicals in Animato School Ware after 5 or more years since its introduction?
Animato School Ware is finished with a hard yoghurt glaze coating (special polyurethane), which has a proven track record in the medical facility meal service industry. This coating excels in heat resistance, resulting in minimal hydrolysis. It can withstand repeated boiling disinfection and the latest washing systems such as automatic washing machines and hot air disinfection storage machines.
During a three-year lease of thermal insulated rice bowls in hospitals (used 3,800 times over 3.5 years), there was hardly any deterioration in physical properties. Extrapolating from this usage data, it is reasonable to conclude that Animato School Ware can withstand over 10 years of use in school lunch services (assuming one meal per day, 190 days per year, for 10 years, totaling 1,900 uses).
As part of the safety verification conducted after the introduction, envisaging use for over 10 years in school lunch services, leaching tests conducted on tableware with the same specifications and finish, collected after 3,800 uses in hospitals, have demonstrated that there are no issues with the leaching of chemical substances.
As part of the safety verification conducted after the introduction, envisaging use for over 10 years in school lunch services, leaching tests were conducted on tableware with the same specifications and finish as Animato School Ware. These tableware items were collected after a three-year lease contract in medical facility meal services (used 3,800 times in hospitals). Analysis using the latest analytical techniques of institutions designated as inspection agencies by various ministries has demonstrated that “styrene monomer,” “styrene dimer,” and “styrene trimer” were not detected (below 1 in 1 billion).
※ Unit of measurement: ● 0.001mg/1 = 1ppb = 1μg/1 (parts per billion, indicating one billionth of a substance) - What is the relationship between Hard Yogorez® coating (special polyurethane) and environmental hormones?
Our Hard Yogorez® coating (special polyurethane) tableware, developed over the past 40 years, has been widely used in households across Japan for miso soup bowls, VIP tableware for government officials, hospital utensils, and as lacquerware for Japanese and Western restaurants nationwide. Throughout the manufacturing process, Hard Yogoreez coating paint is used, and there have been no health issues for workers exposed to daily doses of paint in the ppm range (equivalent to several grams orally ingested per day) during spraying operations, spanning two generations of workers. The long-standing use of these products demonstrates that the coating paint used is not an endocrine disruptor.
Based on these results, Animate Schoolware currently poses no health risks to the human body. It is a safe “traditional lacquerware” with excellent safety features, which can be relatively smoothly introduced and readily understood by local governments, parents, and school staff.
[Main Clients]as of February 2024:
■Animato School Ware
・Delivered to 550 municipalities nationwide.
■Animato Hospital Ware
・Used in 1,300 hospitals across the country for meal services.
■Animato New Integral Ware
・Used for Japanese tableware in hotels and restaurants domestically.
・Used for VIP meal services in 13 international airlines and for Japan government special aircraft.
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Result Page - In the future, as environmental hormones are globally investigated, it is anticipated that many chemicals will also be identified as endocrine-disrupting substances. What will happen?
The allowable elution criteria for chemical substances under the conventional Food Sanitation Law are determined based on considerations of human health effects such as carcinogenicity, typically in parts per million (ppm). However, concerning the issue of endocrine disruptors, even elution in parts per billion (ppb, one billionth) is thought to have adverse health effects. Therefore, the development of plastic tableware that does not elute chemical substances is required from these perspectives. However, it is virtually impossible to completely avoid the elution of trace amounts of chemical substances from the molding material of all plastic tableware, whether harmful or harmless.
However, Animato School Ware is a traditional lacquerware that has been finished to prevent the elution of these chemical substances from the molding material. Since its development, Animato School Ware has been coated with Hard Yogorez® coating (special polyurethane) for 40 years, and it is structured to prevent even trace amounts of resin components or other chemical substances from eluting into food from the plastic molding material. Therefore, you can use it with confidence.
The inspection results by third-party organizations can be found on the hygiene safety page.
Our Animato School Ware is manufactured with the goal of “creating safer tableware.” It is developed based on self-imposed standards that are even stricter than the criteria set by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. With the cooperation of resin manufacturers, we have dedicated over a decade to research and development to ensure that our tableware is free from environmental hormone substances. It is made from safe heat-resistant ABS resin material (with a heat resistance temperature of 110°C), which undergoes stringent molding processes.
As a result, even under harsh leaching conditions (20% ethanol aqueous solution at 60°C for 30 minutes), substances such as styrene (also known as styrene monomer), styrene dimer (also known as styrene 2-dimer), styrene trimer (also known as styrene 3-trimer), and acrylonitrile monomer do not leach out.
[Refer to Test Reports A) and D)]
And, on the surface of this excellently safe molded material, our proprietary technology has been developed: the environmentally friendly Hard Yogorez® coating (special polyurethane), which has a proven track record of 40 years without containing any endocrine-disrupting substances, is applied throughout (coating thickness approximately 30μm). As a result, with this dual safety structure where no chemical substances from the molding resin components dissolve into the food placed on the dishes, you can use them with confidence.
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Hygienic Safety Page - When selecting resin tableware, what is the criteria for choosing ‘economically viable tableware that solves the issue of environmental hormones’?
Given the current concern regarding the potential leaching of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (environmental hormones) from resin tableware, selecting tableware that maintains its initial performance (no hydrolysis) for over 5 years upon introduction appears to be a crucial aspect in addressing the issue of endocrine disruptors.
Furthermore, as observed with polycarbonate resin tableware, even though no bisphenol A leaching occurs at the time of purchase, resin degradation occurs after only 4 to 5 years of use (due to repeated exposure to saturated steam in sterilization and storage machines), leading to the leaching of bisphenol A from the tableware. This issue was raised as an endocrine disruptor problem in school meal facilities nationwide following the announcement by the Yokohama City School Meal Tableware Investigation Committee in April of the 11th year of Heisei.
In other words, significant damage occurred nationwide in school meal settings due to the use of resin materials in tableware that underwent hydrolysis upon repeated use. This situation raised suspicions about resin tableware in general.
From this lesson, it becomes evident that if polycarbonate resin did not undergo hydrolysis, then there would have been no leaching of Bisphenol A.
Therefore, to avoid repeating the same mistake, selecting resin tableware that does not undergo hydrolysis even after 10 years of use is believed to be the most economical and effective way to solve the issue of endocrine disruptors.